Monday, January 31, 2011

Pilates Reformer Workout

If you are an avid exerciser, you know at times it can get boring.  Personally, I look at different options for changing up my exercise routine.  Helps to eliminate boredom as I know I can not do without exercise, not optional for me.  Last summer was my bootcamp adventure, by no means was this easy, a very physical aggressive workout each time.  This time, I thought it would be great to get a variety of exercises to promote a stronger core, shock my muscles so I can become stronger and leaner.  I contacted Maggie (the owner) of Personal Euphoria.  I had a phenomenal one-on-one session this morning.  I did not know what to expect.  We worked for 50-minutes on the reformer.  A piece of pilates equipment with many levels of resistance.  She had me warm up first with some gentle stretches, then went into several core exercises using resistance.  I have to say it was very challenging, though I love a challenge.  I was shaking and at times forgot to breathe!  The best part, a bit of cardio at the end with a variety of jumping drills!  Absolutely my favorite part!  I did arrive to the session with lower back pain, but when the session was over, I felt great, my total body was stretched, open and pain free! 
I will be back next Monday working on the reformer again, a complement to my current workout routine, that should definitely give me what I am looking for!

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